What Kind Of Bloating Do You Have?
Have you ever looked at your belly and noticed the amazing girth that bloating can produce in the space of a few hours? We can go from feeling trim to bulbous and have no idea why!
Bloating is annoying, uncomfortable and can make us feel self-conscious.
Types Of Bloating
Here we explore the different types of bloating and what you can do about it today:
“It gets worse as the day goes on”
This kind of bloating is most noticeable in the afternoon to evening. You put on your slim fit jeans in the morning only to find you are bulging over them by 3pm.
- check your intake of gas forming foods such as cabbage, beans or sugar. Another reason may be that you forgot to drink enough water. Dehydration can be a cause of bloating.
“I’m bloated even when I wake up”
The bloating that just won’t go away.
- get checked for food intolerances with blood testing, you may be eating something that your body sees as foreign. Most of us don’t know our intolerances until we get them tested. Get your liver and kidneys checked at the clinic, you may be holding fluid.
“I’m farting up a storm, the gas is incredible!”
This is the embarrassing bloating – the bloating with social consequences!
- Don’t be shy, talk to us at the clinic. “Fart” is a normal word in here.
- Check on your consumption of gas forming foods.
- If you are drinking unfiltered water or have travelled overseas recently, maybe you have a bug in your gut. Bacterial or parasitic gut infections can leave us gassy and uncomfortable, with irritated bowels. These are easy things to treat (if you let us know asap), using anti-microbial herbs and multi-strain probiotics.
“Meat, lentils and dairy make me bloat… but I thought they were good for me”
Some of us do not carry enough digestive enzymes to digest high-protein foods well. This can happen during times of stress or if we are eating in a rush.
- talk to us about the appropriate digestive enzymes you can pick up from the clinic that come in liquid or tablet form.
- consider what lifestyle changes you can make to improve your digestion, so that you don’t have undigested food matter moving through your bowels causing bloating.
Bloating is a sign that something’s not quite right in the guts.
Lets have a chat, do some testing if required, and fix it! Book online here, or call clinic on (07) 4946 7910 to speak with one of our friendly staff.
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